Tips for Preventing Grass Fires

Many of us have heard of or seen grass fires here in Nebraska. With each day that passes with out rain we are at a higher risk of fires.  Just over a week ago there was a large grass fire just northwest of Lincoln at Branched Oak State Recreation Area.  Because of the wind that day the fire spread quickly it was said that 19 different agencies responded to that fire.  The very fast moving grass fire burned  around 1,000 acres 325 of which were part of the Branched Oak Wildlife Management Area.  They said the cause of this fire was a discarded smoking material.  The same day there was a fire northwest of Ashland.  A total of 17 agencies were called to help contain that fire.  This fire is believed to have started when embers escaped a burn barrel.  These are just two of the many grass fire that were reported that same day.   Some of the same fire departments responded to both of these fire.  Please take the time to find out what you can do to help prevent grass fires in your area.

Tips for Preventing Grass Fires

It doesn’t take much for a small grass fire to turn into an out-of-control wildfire. There is undoubtedly more grass fires to come about, no matter how much knowledge and awareness are propagated to the general mass. Most grass fires are caused by obvious, careless human factors (burning garbage, improperly extinguishing a camp fire), but others are caused by things that seem unlikely , such as a lawnmower blade hitting a rock or an electric fence zapping a metal post. We all know the slightest breeze will fuel a small grass fueled flame, into an immense inferno in no time and time is crucial in preventing the spread and expansion to control the situation.
The most beneficial and responsible action to take to reduce the chances of a grass fire is to keep your lawn and nearby brush is to keep the tall, dry grass trimmed and cut. This is most crucial in areas where vehicles may be present along driveways and roadsides. In all cases if something were to happen and a grass fire start, the best course of action to be prepared, is to know your escape routes and keep them maintained.
Here is a basic list of things to watch for and be wary of to assist in preventing grass fires:
  • Do not throw cigarettes or cigar butts onto the ground or out of a vehicle
  • Do not burn trash, leaves, of brush without proper supervision and permits
  • Create a “safety zone” around your home to clear away loose grass, leaves, ect… (general 30 feet)
  • Properly maintain dead plants, trees, and grass, especially over buildings.
  • Maintain a 10 foot “safety zone” around grills and propane tanks.
  • Do not leave grills unattended, and when finished using them, place ashes in a bucket and soak with water until completely cooled.
  • Stress to children the importance of playing with fire, especially in areas where the fire can quickly spread.