Frozen SIll Cocks

Frozen Sill Cocks

Though it is hard to believe after this brutal winter, spring is in sight. With spring being right around the corner many of us on the warm days to come will go out and turn on the outside faucet. If you turn on the outdoor faucet and you notice that there is not as much pressure in the hose as you remember. This could be the first sign that you have a frozen sill cock.

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The Causes of a frozen sill cock may include.

1) Not removing garden hose before cold weather sets in.

2) Improper installation (angle of the sill cock)

3) Slow drips creating a frozen sill cock.

4) Shifting of the house/foundation

Signs that you may have a frozen sill cock.

1) Low pressure in garden hose.

2) Visibly wet ceiling, walls, and/or carpet.